The Subconscious Mind Around Man

This book is about very important discoveries concerning our human existence, and the subconscious mind. I have extrasensory perception abilities that enable me to perceive the subconscious mind as a certain substance in, and around man. In this book, I describe this invisible world. In my view, the subconscious mind is the most important factor that determines our personality, our life and misery in the world. The theory that I advance, offers an explanation for life as we know it. It offers an explanation for human behavior, views of life, occurrences and life circumstances, the existence of richness and poverty, the presence or the absence of talents, health, love, … It explains the sense, or rather the nonsense of life as we know it on this planet. I have developed a pioneering psychic method that can be acted profoundly in the subconscious mind, which I have called “the SL technique (SLT).” SL stands for ‘Soul Liberation.” This psychic method is a powerful means to fundamentally improve personality, abilities, life circumstances, and health. According to my views, the subconscious mind contains millions of programs that suppress our original being, knowledge and capacities for almost 100%. The SL technique can restore the suppressed potential of man (of the soul that resides in man). The SL technique is the path to a better world. The SL method is the key to bring about profound, previously unseen changes in man and in life, thus putting an end to all kinds of misery. Although the SL technique is a psychic technique that requires a person to have exceptional psychic abilities, it is possible to be trained in this method, although there is often a long way to go to achieve this. As a result of this training, one will acquire the ability to perceive the subconscious mind and to profoundly impact on it. And then one will have a powerful tool at one's disposal to change one’s own personality and one's own life as well as those of others for the better.

People sometimes tell me that the other methods that exist for improving personality and remedying all kinds of problems, are also capable of doing the same things as the SL-technique, or that other people with psychic abilities can do the same things as with SLT. However, this is not true. I’m the first to recognize that the techniques that exist certainly have their value, and that they have helped many people with all kinds of problems, and that people with psychic abilities without a doubt have helped many people. Nevertheless, there are thousands of issues that can’t be fixed by the existing techniques or the known psychic abilities. There is a great deal of misery in the world, which the existing techniques can’t do much about, otherwise the world wouldn’t be in the condition it is in. There are tens of thousands of people with psychic abilities, but these abilities are not the abilities required to be able to perform SLT. And there are hundreds of techniques that can indeed remedy a number of things. But, as I mentioned before, there are thousands of problems that can’t be remedied by all those methods. For example, no single one of those techniques can turn a psychopath into a loving person. This is a only one of the thousands of issues that can change with SLT, although many hours of work would be required for this result to be accomplished.

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